Art teachers are often perceived as individuals who chose an easier path. Many have a general lack of the recognition and impact that art has on people’s lives and its role in shaping the present viability. This misconception leads to the doubts that people have of art majors in establishing a significantly meaningful career. Mr. Brandt – Christoph Brandt – is an art (photography) teacher at Cypress Springs High School whose views on art and the captivating concept of creativity influence the perspectives of others.
Ever since Mr. Brandt was a little kid, he had a profound fascination for art. To be specific, his favorite art style was literally just drawing. To pick up a pencil and a white sheet of paper brought him to the enjoyment and provocation of interpreting what he saw or what he imagined in his mind.
According to Brandt his inspiration come from ” the enjoyment but also the challenge of it, because you see, it can be kind of like a puzzle, like figuring out how to portray something that you see whether that’s realistically or in a stylized manner.”
One thing that is not very appreciated about art is the history behind it. Mr. Brandt confronts this norm through mentioning his favorite time period in art history.
“I like ancient Egyptian art. I like ancient things and it fascinates me of the level of sophistication that they have done. Like in their precision, carving and graining. I think they were way more technologically advanced which ultimately goes to lead the innovations that we have fabricated today.”
Mr. Brandt never imagined himself teaching art earlier in his career.
“It kind of chose me. I first chose to be a history teacher and I was always passionate about art when I was younger. I wanted to do something with art but it kind of fell off to the side. When I was working here (Cypress Springs High School), as a government teacher, there was an art teacher opening and one of the staff members saw one of my art works in my classroom and he goes like ‘Have you ever thought of yourself teaching art?’, and from that day, I went to get certified and then they hired me.”
With that being said, when Mr. Brandt was asked to reflect on the essentiality of creativity in people’s daily lives and the ultimate ways that it goes on to positively impact society.
“I think it’s important in everybody’s life because I think it’s really what progresses us and it’s what makes us human. Being able to create, being able to think of something and then make it reality. I think that’s broadly the reason how we got to where we are at,” he said.
Although Mr. Brandt never even imagined teaching art, he has no regrets in his career choice whatsoever and loves what he does. Being able to teach what he went from doing in his free time, into significant lessons for his students within the classroom setting, certainly showcases his dedication and commitment for creativity. He also possesses the ability to greatly elucidate the significance of creativity. He proves comprehensive insights on how creativity fortifies into personal development, innovations, and critical thinking skills.
Mr. Brandt will continue to be an amazing teacher at Cypress Springs High School and will continue to teach what he is the most passionate about, art.