The smell of savory turkey, stuffing and the sweetness of glazed ham has been lingering throughout the house for hours, mix in the hints of pumpkin, apple and pecan pie as your mouth starts to water and your stomach grumbles as you sneak into the kitchen hoping to get a quick taste of just one thing to hold you over until it is time to gather around the table and engulf it all. The day we all become foodies has finally arrived.
What food is a must eat at Thanksgiving?
” Turkey.”- Hershie Soriano (10)
“Fried Rice.”-Ratsei Molina (9)
“Turkey.”-Sarai Madrubi (11)
” Mac & Cheese.”- Anne Lam (10)
“Mash Potatoes.”- Misty Childress (11)
“Apple cobbler, Fajitas.”-Daniel Sic (10)
“Ham.”-Nicholas Perez
“Collard Greens.”-Rio Pharm
“Hawaiian Rolls.”-Melchor Valle
” Yams and potato salad.”-Chance Wright
“Dressing.”-Jeremiah Champs
“Steak.”-Ricardo Rivera
“Everything, Mac & Cheese, Pecan Pie, Rice, Croissant Rolls and Baked Beans.”- Jaden Momon
“Mac& Cheese.”-Shania Pierre
“Turkey.”- Henry Gorgua
“Mash Potatoes.”-Valdemar Flores
Survey Says Students Prefer the following:
Turkey 45%
vs Ham 55 %
Mash Potatoes 50%
Sweet Potatoes 50%
Cornbread 85%
vs Rolls 15%
Cranberry Sauce 48%
vs Gravy 52%
Mac & Cheese 92%
vs Green Bean Casserole 8%
Pumpkin Pie 20 % vs Sweet Potato 30%
vs Apple 40%
vs Pecan 10 %